Way back before colour television, Kanye West and Wechat, way waaaaay back, Phantom and Well Oiled Dick attended global Interhashes in Wales and Thailand and detected a trend – red dress running. Conducted the day before the official event started, the run was for charity and was as raunchy then as it is now. The run brought out everybody’s inner female impersonator, regardless of the gender-you-identified-with (sic). In 2007, they decided that the Beijing hashers were ready for this, if not Beijing itself. Along with Taxi Ride Her, the trio rather brazenly (pre-Olympic security crackdown) set the run through Forbidden City and around Tiananmen Square. The circle didn’t last very long though before we were “encouraged” to continue it elsewhere. And, kids, this is how traditions begin….

Come along and join the 10th anniversary BJHHH RDR. Your very experienced hares are ready to put on a show! Beerwolf – one previous haring, never seen a RDR. St Knickerless – virgin hare, may have once owned red panties, before the dog ate them. Phantom – hared 100 runs, remembers none of them. You’re in good hands! Dress to kill, dress to run, dress to drink, dress to party, you can all just go and get bloody well frocked. There’s a small surcharge this week for charity, which helps us maintain our generally good reputation here. On on.

2017 Hash Charity: Maple Hotline
Established over 25 years ago, Maple is the first NGO in China, which provides free psychological counseling for women who are victims of domestic violence or otherwise struggling single mothers. Many women in Maple Hotline’s target demographic cannot afford to go to another establishment. These issues need to be handled properly and timely to eliminate the risk of serious social problems and crime.
- Hares:
Phantom, Beer Wolf, Saint Knickerless - Type:
A to A - When:
SATURDAY, June 17th - Time:
Meet at 1:30pm, run starts at 2:09 pm (1:69)!!! - Charity Hash Cash:
100RMB run/walk + circle –or–
150RMB run/walk + circle + dinner
+20RMB Red Dress Run patch - Restaurant:
Rui Jin Da YuZhou Homestyle - D’erections:
Line 1/14 Dawanglu Station, Exit A. As you exit, u-turn left and walk 20m to the restaurant.