With so many kennels in running all year round somehow Beijing Hashers still can’t get enough Beer and trails.   But fear not because on October 5th Beijing H3 is going on perhaps its craziest adventure yet.

Introducing the 24-Hour Challenge Run, for 24 hours Beijing Hashers are going to raise money for charity, running and drinking beer the whole way.

Starting at 10am Saturday October 5th hashers will set off with a relay baton and do 1 km laps around Liangma River.   One hasher will then drink a beer and then hand the baton off to another hasher and so on.

The goal is to see how many 1 km laps a relay team of hashers can complete in 24  hours, finishing at 10am the next Sunday, October 6th.

You don’t need to stay for the Full 24 Hours, can come and go and come back the next day but the relay will be going continuously.

Like other similar Events we are taking pledges for every lap the Hashing relay team completes.  If the relay team completes 200 laps, a 1 rmb per lap pledge results in a 200 rmb donation towards Heart to Heart and to help fund other BJH3 events such as 2024 Hashmas.


Pukelid’s Taxivomitry, Pickle Boy


A to A, Bag Drop Available


Saturday October 5th –  Sunday October 6th 2024


Meet at 9:30 am,  run starts at 10:00 am

Hash Cash:

50 RMB for Trail; No Dinner

Meetup: Liangma River, near Great Leap Brewing新源街店