Ladies and gentlemen, fellow hashers; lend me your ears, sit up and take notice; Hashmas is cumming!

Winter drawers on (obviously) since the days are shortening and the temperature is falling, so we know that summer is over. Sad, of course, but not all is lost; if it’s getting cold out then it’s almost time for – yeeesss! – Hashmas. No, St Noddy hasn’t sung to me yet but it is true, Hashmas is coming. Cumming. Therefore be heartened, be happy, and be part of the giddy throng early next month when we start our seasonal celebrations. This the first and most significant party of the party season; this opens the gates to the full festive selfindulgent and slightly riotous experience, so take advantage! Debauchery is optional, but you know you want it….

As is the tradition for these events we’ll have a series of wrapped up staged attractions in our annual gala; we’ll start with buffet dinner and free flow relaxation, so there’s a great opportunity to blow out in public. This is no time for restraint; indulge yourself and any you can find nearby. We’ll all be doing it.

We’ll play Secret Santa, and you can take part in selection of the awards for the most prominent behaviour in several categories such as shittiest hash, least keen hare, most pathetic and transparent excuse, etcetera. Let your voices be heard. Also, let your generosity be heard if you’re taking part in Secret Santa; we suggest a window of gift price 50-100rmb would be a good place, and a good opportunity to be resourceful.


Also, we move to a new(ish) venue this year; we’ll be at Moonee on Saturday 3rdDecember, so cum on along, wear your seasonal best to impress and have a good time at the real start of annual festivities!

What: it’s Hashmas! 

How much:

  • early bird price is 150rmb/person till Nov.20th 23:59;
  • 180 rmb/person till Dec 2nd 23:59;
  • on-the-door price  200rmb till the party is over on Dec 3rd.

Follow the sign-up link below( scroll down to click on Read more).

When: registration at 7pm on Saturday 3rdDecember, buffet starts at 8pm;

Free flow with beer and mixed drinks 8-11pm; Happy hour 12-1am;

How:  definitely not kid-friendly or animal-friendly

Where: Moonee bar, 51 jiugulou dajie, Xicheng


Merry Hashmas!

As usual, this is an adult activity in which we behave like children so expect to see nonsense, licentiousness, a modest level of drunkenness and considerable rude behaviour going on. There may be vomiting on this occasion. Don’t be offended; we’re always like that and if you’re here you’re doing it too. For all of those reasons this isn’t a kid-friendly activity so – unless you’re table 1 – best stay home. More regular members of society are of course very welcome and can of course take part, but be polite, don’t be purposefully rude and remember that if you’re running there’s no winner. Oh, and you’ll need to bring a green jiankangbao with a sufficiently-recent hesuan or we’ll be all huffy.