To launch the new era under new Boxer Hash mismanagement, we’ll naturally return to our favourite Boxer Hash location … The Great Wall!! Join us for a classic Boxer Hash with all the summer features … flat terrain, short run, rabid dogs, all highways, perfectly clear air … OK that’s a lie.
But you will experience spectacular views; virgin Boxer Hash Great Wall; cranky locals; no snakes; two short mid-run train rides; orchards; unlimited sunshine; unsolvable checks; so many selfie opportunities it’ll overload your phone; the best BBQ fish (kaoyu 烤鱼) on the planet … and … and … get this (OK here you have to pretend you that an excited 5 year old is telling you this) … and … best of all a post run swim!!!
In fact the hares have hinted that if it’s hot enough we may just enjoy the circle in the swimming hole!! (No way. Yes Way!) To top off a great Boxer Hash weekend, those who wish can stay overnight and camp on the Great Wall!!
- Date: August 9, 2014
- Time: Meet at 10:00, leave at 10:30 sharp (no really, we mean it …)
- Location: Tim’s Texas BBQ
- The Haaaaares!!!!!: Who’s Your DaDa? & KMML
- Cost: 150 RMB gets you spectacular views, awesome people to run with, gales of laughter, all the beer you can drink, post run swim, circle surprise, great food, camping on the Great Wall. Oh and it pays for the bus as well. (hares note: damn this IS a great deal, we should charge more for such an amazing event)