Bike Hash

Bike Hash#20 – Tuesday Slow Squad

By |2024-03-28T16:58:51+08:00March 28th, 2024|Bike Hash|

When : Tuesday 5th March 2024 Meet up : 19:00 for a 19:30 start. At : Trackid, the box.  北京市朝阳区朝外大街12号The Box年轻力中心南门TRACKID Distance: About 15km, might be some on afters. Weather : Chilly, bring gloves. Hash Cash: Free - Will stop by 7/11s on the way. Pay for your own sustenance. Hare: Jack Off All Beans All bikes welcome. We don’t leave anyone behind. This is a slow squad [...]

Bike Hash #19 Travel rest of China

By |2023-10-29T21:31:16+08:00October 29th, 2023|Bike Hash|

Last month we had a great time cycling a bigger map of China! But only half of it. And we`ll cycle the other half this month, with beer of course in this hot hot weather.   The bigger China map in Beijing, but 66km is too long for shared bikes, so we did 32km last month. ; This is what we cycled [...]

Bike Hash #18 Travel all around China again

By |2023-05-30T14:30:20+08:00May 30th, 2023|Bike Hash|

Last month we had a great time cycling around China! And we`ll do it again this month, with beer of course. We`ll take about 2-3 hours to travel a bigger China map in Beijing, but 66km is too long for shared bikes, we`ll travel half this month, so around 32-33km. The hare is  excited again! And got the beers ready! When [...]

Bike Hash #15 Bike Polo Social

By |2022-11-01T22:39:23+08:00November 1st, 2022|Bike Hash|

When / 日期: Sunday 6thNovember 2022 Meet up / 时间: 13:00 for a 13:45 start. At /在: Great Leap Brewery 12 (Gongti) Distance距离:less than 10km to polo spot. 7km on after. Weather / 天气: Bit chilly, bring gloves. Hash Cash: 20rmb - Will pay for beer/water on trail. Hare:Jack Off All Beans Marco! Polo! This Sunday we’ll have a nice chill ride with everyone together and have [...]

Bike hash #13 – Pulp Traction

By |2022-10-13T00:41:46+08:00October 13th, 2022|Bike Hash|

When / 时间: Sunday 2ndOctober 2022 Meet up / 时间: 14:00 for a 14:30 start. At /在: Wangjing subway station exit H (there is a “Convenient Bee” shop) Distance:15km for group ride. 30km for alleycat(depending on navigational skill) Weather / 天气: Maybe a little rain Hash Cash: 20rmb - Will pay for beer/water on trail. Hare:Jack Off All Beans Boy have we got a bad mother f^cker of [...]


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