Gobblin’ King

Beijing Full Moon Hash #176: The Berry Strikes Back

By |2022-06-22T16:26:16+08:00June 22nd, 2022|Full Moon Hash House Harriers|

The Beijing Full Moon hash is BERRY pleased to announce – IT’S BACK! Friday, Friday, Friday! It’s a super strawberry moon (On Tuesday)… so that means… super-strong strawberry booze, and where did we get these strawberries you ask? Well there’s a magical place we’ve (mostly) irresponsibily visited over this break, that has been fertilized with beer, pee, and picnic trash [...]

Beijing Boxer #203 Olympic Ski Hash 2022

By |2022-01-14T13:59:06+08:00January 14th, 2022|Boxer Hash House Harriers|

A sad story I heard this morning! They even sent the evidence! And there`s video evidence! Time to go to ski! Save the snowmen! But, wait ! I can’t ski/ snowboard, can I still join the fun? YES! There are still lots of fun activities to do, such as: -     Have a mulled wine -     Picnic on the mountain -     Do [...]

BJH3# 2039: Triple Hash Pre-Lockdown Pizza Queen Special

By |2022-01-14T10:29:54+08:00January 14th, 2022|Beijing Hash House Harriers, Hash House Harriers|

Nobody is going to read this anyways. If you do actually read it, remember the code phrase for circle: “I’m Literate”. To top off this triple hash weekend, we will be doing a fantastic(ly shitty) trail in honor of a very hashy queen. Who is that queen? Well, it’s Queen Margarita, who invented the Margarita pizza when she put decided [...]

BJH3 #2034: Faux Santa Hash Charity Run (Again)

By |2021-12-06T19:35:54+08:00December 6th, 2021|Hash House Harriers|

  On on this magical Saturday, the hares will be taking you on a cozy little tour of places you’ve seen before many times, all in the name of charity! In line with our Hash brothers and sisters down in Shanghai, and with the annual Santa Con, all of the profits from this week's Hash will go to Heart To [...]

BJH3 #2033 The Hashmas Day Hash

By |2021-11-30T21:20:25+08:00November 30th, 2021|Beijing Hash House Harriers, Hash House Harriers|

Merry HASHMAS HO HO HO! Wait it’s not the time of the year yet even Mariah Carey is coming back to the billboard again. Before the foodgasmsssss y’all are facing tonight and the rest of the month, let’s do a bit warmup at Jing’s hutong with three elf hares who bascially crawl around every weekend. Wondering deep inside, giggling loud [...]


Participating in hashing and hashing events is a potentially hazardous activity that could result in injury or death. I am participating in this event at my own risk and I assume all risk and responsibility for injuries I may incur as a direct or indirect result of my participating in this event. Having read this Release and knowing the risks involved in my participation in this event, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS, its sponsors, representatives, officers and management from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this Release. Further, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS, its sponsors, representatives, officers and management from any and all claims which may result from my participation in this event. I certify I have read this Release and Agreement to Indemnify, I understand it, and I agree to its terms relating to every BEIJING HASH HOUSE HARRIERS event or activity.

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